
Help in Your Language

The helpers in news.newusers.questions know a lot of answers, but they don't always speak the same languages as the people they're trying to help! In many cases, the best help for technical problems will come from a newsgroup which speaks your own language.

These newsgroups are good starting points for new users who are not very familiar with English:

( news:chinese.newsgroups.newusers) chinese.newsgroups.newusers
Postings by new users (Chinese)

(news:ch.general) ch.general
Miscellaneous items of interest to Swiss readers

(news:chile.consultas) chile.consultas
Consultas varias nacionales

( news:de.newusers.questions) de.newusers.questions
Neue Benutzer fragen, Experten antworten (German)

Miscelanea (Spanish)

( news:fr.bienvenue.questions) fr.bienvenue.questions
Les premieres questions sur Usenet (Ou, Comment) (French)

Usenet users, new user question/discussion (Korean)

Domande e risposte sul servizio news (Italian)

( news:nl.newsgroups) nl.newsgroups or ( news:nl.misc) nl.misc
Discussie over Internet in Nederland (Dutch/Netherlands)

Diskusjon om norske newsgrupper, programvare mm (Norwegian)

(news:pt.geral) pt.geral
Discussoes sobre Portugal e os Portugueses (Portugese)

(news:swnet.diverse) swnet.diverse
Discussions of various unrelated issues (Swedish)

BBS Board of Help from Newcomers (Taiwanese)

In addition to the above, the users in one of the related soc.culture.* newsgroups might be able to point you to other newusers groups which are available in your language. See the culture post for a listing of these groups.

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This individual document is maintained by: Dennis D. Calhoun (dcalhoun at

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Last Updated: Monday, January 3, 2005

The person responsible for maintaining this individual mirror site is available here.